Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Well it was quite the busy weekend in Manhattan. I did a wide variety of shoots for Manhattan Magazine which is published by The Lawrence Journal World. It's pretty cool to get to meet such a wide variety of people and also try out some new techniques along the way.

I started the weekend at the insect zoo that is on the Kansas State Campus. There were two families that came through while I was there. It is a pretty neat little place, lots of bugs and lots to learn.

This is Kye, he was there with his Dad

And here is a neat formation of butterflies

Next, I photographed two English Language Program teachers from Kansas State who had just returned from helping set up a new program in Kabul, Afghanistan. They provided some photos of their own and I took this portrait.

Another story involves a few fountains from around the city. Here are two that I have photographed thus far.

and another

Finally, I finished up the trip with a little golf and a stop by Don's Railroad Hobby Shop. He was a very interesting man to speak with and hear his story. Don has been around the railroad his entire life and loves every minute of it.

Thanks for looking and don't forget to make your appointments for senior portraits! I am working on getting some new locations to shoot at that should be a lot of fun.

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